We hope all of you are putting some thought and energy into gratitude this Thanksgiving week.  We try to stay thankful every day, regardless of the occasion, and came up with a list of some of things that motivate many a “Mahalo!”

We are thankful for…

  • You!  Our enthusiastic, ever-supportive customers are the backbone of our business.  We are happy they’re happy to be involved in such a worthy cause — our farmers and vendors, our fresh ingredients, and buying local.  We think it makes our customers smile to know they’ve contributed the livelihoods of so many, including our employees.
  • The Farm-to-Table Movement.  We think everyone benefits from Fork & Salad because we bring farm-to-table dining to a new platform: one that’s attainable and affordable to dine at each and every day. It’s real, fresh, simple food. Food that makes you feel good from the inside out! Locals understand the impact of that support island-wide, and visitors are pumped to enjoy real, unique Maui ingredients, not just pineapple, coconut and other typical mainstream items.
  • Our Suppliers!  They are genuine, hard-working farmers and vendors, just trying to make a living by doing what they love. And that’s feeding the island, working collectively to reduce the amount of produce and goods we have to import. We respect that passion. We encourage it.
  • All Those Fresh Ingredients. We’re grateful for the simple, delicious produce our farms have to offer, like beautiful Moloka‘i Strawberry Sunrise papayas, psychedelic purple Oko‘a daikon, luscious mouth-watering upcountry strawberries, handmade Tamashiro tofu, organic yeast-free sourdough and ruby red, Hawaiian line-caught Ahi tuna, just to name a few.
  • Our Incredible Staff. They are so energetic, so fun, and love to be part of our mission. Nearly all of our comment cards are about the excellent and friendly customer service. They represent us. They are us.
  • Each Other. Our owner-partnership is a special one. The three of us are true friends and trusted business colleagues. Our personalities and styles bring equally-important elements to the table. We complement and empower each other by amplifying our strengths, tackling obstacles and facing challenges head-on together, whether it’s building a brand-new business or putting the pieces back together after a fire. There is no Fork & Salad or Three’s without all of us. Every new idea is executed together. It’s the power of Three, and it works, time and time again.
  • Fourth Friday! Kīhei’s monthly town party is how we kicked off our grand opening back in July, and it’s given our business an awesome boost. Along with being a fun venue for regulars, it opens the doors to new customers who don’t normally travel to Kīhei or consider healthy options that night. Not to mention, it’s a terrific way to support local agriculture with our pop-up farmers market. And Fourth Friday is still on this week, so take a break from Black Friday shopping and join us on November 25!
  • Our Island. We’re stoked to say the Maui community has always been behind us, bolstering both of our businesses: Three’s Bar & Grill (opening now!) and Fork & Salad. We are beyond grateful for their consistent, embracing support over the years. We recognize it and respect it; that’s the reason why we do everything in our power to give back to the community, any chance we get!

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday; we’ll be closed on Thursday, but back open on Friday, so come on in and share the love! #EatLocalEatHealthy