Fork & Salad Maui Honored with “Friend of Agriculture” Award
We’d be supporting local farms and producers even if nobody was watching, but we must say, it feels nice when they notice! Check out Maui Nō Ka ‘Oi Magazine’s video on Fork & Salad, recipient of the 2017 Maui Farm Bureau’s “Friend of Agriculture” ‘Aipono Award!

UPDATE: Addressing Rat Lungworm Disease with New DOH Produce Washing Techniques
The Hawai’i Dept. of Health has released new guidelines on produce washing specifically in reference to RLWD. Chefs Travis Morrin and Jaron Blosser show you how we’re implementing the updated techniques at Fork & Salad.

Fork & Salad Addresses Rat Lungworm Disease: Our Safety Methods, Step by Step
Your health is our priority with the fresh ingredients we provide at Fork & Salad, in terms of not only nutrition, but also food safety. So in light of concerns about Rat Lungworm Disease, we take you behind the scenes in this video to show you just HOW clean our greens are, and share how our local farms are also working hard to ensure safe, quality produce. Our largest supplier, Kumu Farms, has never even seen the related pests in its fields!

Mac Nuts Matter at Waihe‘e Valley Plantation
Macadamia nuts may be little, but getting them from the tree to your plate is no small feat! In our “Know Your Farmers” series, Chef Travis visits Waihe‘e Valley Plantation to get a closer look at what it takes to make this sustainable operation work.

Five Healthy Reasons to Eat Dinner at Fork & Salad
Salad isn’t just for lunch anymore. Especially when you have 50+ ingredients to choose from, sandwiches, soups and even dessert! Read on to learn about some of the best reasons to make Fork & Salad part of your dinner routine.

Growing Support at the Taste of School Gardens
We love how respect for local ag can start with our young people. Grow Some Good is all about teaching kids to create and maintain their own school gardens. In this video, Chef Travis explains how we’re taking a hands-on role to help keep the nonprofit thriving.